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Problem Czech TV - download

Posted by pucma 
Problem Czech TV - download
November 04, 2023 09:24AM
Good day,
could I please request to modify the plug-in to allow downloading from the website [www.ceskatelevize.cz].
Until recently, the download was possible, but now it no longer works.

For example: [www.ceskatelevize.cz]
Error message: Failed to parse playlist

In advance Thank you very much for the edit
Re: Problem Czech TV - download
December 20, 2023 04:04PM
Anyone willing to make plugin to download from Czech TV?
I need to download Stardance before it's gone from the internet!
Once it's gone it's gone forever!
Look what happens approximately january 17th:
Someone please help!
Re: Problem Czech TV - download
January 27, 2024 01:32PM
I was trying to get some bedtime fairy tails for my children, since uloz.to is dead and found some of them on ceskatelevize.cz iVysilani I wanted to use FreeRapid Downloader. Strangely enough some links are working ok and some, I am sending examples:

Not working:
Those that does not work fails with error "Failed to parse playlist"

I am using ceskatelevize.cz plugin version 2.2.1
Is there still someone who can help to fix the issue?
Re: Problem Czech TV - download
May 15, 2024 12:08PM
Dobrý den,
dnes jsem se po dlouhé době pokusil něco stáhnout, ale bohužel hlásí to stejné chyby jako píší výše uvedení uživatelé.
Používám plugin ceskatelevize.cz verze 2.2.1

Bylo by možné, aby někdo tento problém odstranil?
Nebo co je třeba udělat proto, aby se dalo z těchto stránek stahovat?
Re: Problem Czech TV - download
July 25, 2024 12:59AM
Plugin 2.2.1 sometimes doesn't work, and returns an error message "Failed to parse playlist"
FRD version: 0.9u4

(This is an example that works well:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2024 01:00AM by Izibia.
open | download - app.log (6.3 KB)
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