hi guys, hi vity, i'm sorry if my posting disturb someone / anything else i only want to share, for others who failed to loading FRD at Welcome Screen / Splash Screen i use this way and it's all clear... 1. open explorer 2. write %appdata% 3. find about VitySoft\FRD 4. use notepad to edit frd.xml, delete all text inside this file, Save As. 5. set this file as Read Only DONE :) soby darkmarket - FreeRapid Downloader - Tips&Tricks
hello, my FRD stuck at welcome screen anyone can help me ? my windows is 7x64 and 10x64 (i have 2 unit computers with different internet connection) i tried all ways but still cant use... can you help me? oh ya, i used latest java from java.com, x86 and x64 all installed in my computerby darkmarket - FreeRapid Downloader - Plugins