mmmm i mean about the breakpoint, when you create a document the brakp is useful to go fast at the point where u put it, well that the idea but wit v200 or ti, like put f7->Next breakpoint f6->previous breakpoint.That itsby cris5279 - WordRider Bugs
man really you can i made a basic guide Only put X that its , it will be read like a List and man i use V200+uviewby cris5279 - WordRider Bugs
I read many post of this, and i will write some kind of ejamples, common errors and some useful expresion. --- How write and expresion. Very clear on imagen..... When its active you can write everything what you want. Its easier explain it with examples and pictures. As you can see there is how you write (exact like in the calculator) and how you see when its finish (in myby cris5279 - WordRider General
Hi man, its a great program. But what about math expression like Y=A*b.. etc yo know, i cant make it like, y="X", its read just like this. So there is an idea for, try to "Hide" those "". Well thx man. Good time from Chile....from the ass the world xDby cris5279 - WordRider Features
Hi man, just new in forum, but not much in WordRider. And i have to this program make easy everything!!!!. Well the case is when i use "+/-" the program (uview) and here read it like "?ยท". The code is "alt-0247 Unicode(f7)". Another Question. Breakpoint can be selected in voyage like a jump? Exist a patch for v200 what it makes a to A? It'll useful for Math exppresions. Well srry iby cris5279 - WordRider Bugs