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Request: Batch downloads, Reload or Sound Captcha
November 12, 2012 05:28AM
I just want to know if FreeRapid will support batch download and reload or sound captcha? It'll be good if FreeRapid can support batch download especially for Mediafire folder so we don't have to copy the link one by one, instead just copy the link folder and the app will detect all the link available in the folder. Kinda like Mipony features. And also adding a reload image or sound for the captcha?

Re: Request: Batch downloads, Reload or Sound Captcha
November 12, 2012 05:51AM
Please post example links and we'll add support.

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Sound captcha is possible to add, but is it really necessary?
Re: Request: Batch downloads, Reload or Sound Captcha
November 12, 2012 08:31AM
I guess sound captcha is not necessary. The example link folder(not mine) : mediafire folder. Say this is the link that contains all the file i want to download from mediafire. Instead of manual going through all the file there, I'd just copy the link folder and let FreeRapid do the checking and showing list of all files in that folder.
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