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problem with youtube plugin
October 21, 2013 05:24PM
* your FRD version - 0.9u3
* your plugin version - 2.1.0
* describe problematic behavior - the youtube plugin will mistake any string in the page with "this video is no longer available" for the video not being available.
* provide download link you have problem with,
[www.youtube.com] (has a link to a video called "this video is no longer available" in the sidebar)
[www.youtube.com] (is called "this video is no longer available")
* we would appreciate if you attached the app.log file (Help > Browse to log file)
open | download - app.log (16.5 KB)
Re: problem with youtube plugin
October 21, 2013 05:33PM
Oh dear, parsing the page just gets more and more difficult. We should definitely use the YouTube API in the plugin to retrieve info about the video.
Re: problem with youtube plugin
October 24, 2013 09:46PM
Fixed in plugin v2.1.1.

Plugin v2.1.1. uses the YouTube API to retrieve file availability info.
Re: problem with youtube plugin
October 24, 2013 10:29PM
thank you for your continued support :)
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