I have a serious problem: can't find the source code... I've seen that subversion thing -- I was sent to some tigris page, and found things totally else than the exact plugin sources...
can anyone show me a direct link to the sources? Any of the contemporary plugins in .java could be good... the sw shown in the tutorial vids (intelliJ idea) cant't manage with the compiled .class files. Perhaps I will manage to create a plugin, I have some experience in computer languages since 1989, such as basic, pascal, c-like things like php, javascript, flash, atmel programming and who knows what else... but never seen a java "hello word" source :) I will try to interprete it, but if I will get stucked, I will ask forth.
Thanks forward,
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2009 06:09PM by spd.