OS: WinVista SP2 x86
JRE 7u60 (x86)
FRD 0.9u4
datafilehost.com plugin v 1.0.0 (by birchie)
Sample link:
FRD error:
ERROR: File name not found
Debug app log attached.
File downloads OK in Mozilla Firefox 24.6.0esr,
if "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads"
is unticked first (grey button just above it to be pressed) ...
As far as I know, datafilehost.com allow for parallel downloads
Why us?),
however in the plugin settings it is reported that
Max DL = 1
Would you kindly take a look at these issues?
Given that datafilehost.com
1) have good DL speeds
2) allow for simultaneous downloads
3) do not delete "... popular
" files that quickly,
many FRD users would benefit from a working plugin...