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pisamba plugin
September 15, 2011 03:48PM
url: pisamba.com/ringtones/view/Regular-Show-My-Mom_759359
regex url: (www\.)?pisamba\.com/ringtone/view/.+

var gl_ringtoneid = '759359';
var gl_username = 'jlenice';
var gl_ringtone = 'Regular_Show_-_My_Mom';
var gl_serverurl = 'http://mypisamba2.com/';
var gl_copyright = '0';
var gl_url = 'http://mypisamba2.com/uploads/jlenice/Regular_Show_-_My_Mom.mp3'; //

the url variable is to throw you off.

It's actually serverurl+ringtoneid+".mp3"

You can easily grab gl_serverurl, gl_ringtoneid, and then either guess ".mp3" or grab it from the end of gl_url (stringmid from lastindexof(".")).

I'd make the plugin, but I newer get around to finding/making a portable IDE and end up reinstalling and hate the hassle up installing and setting up the IDE again.

It only prevents the need from signing up, but I'm sure that is enough for most to want the plugin.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2011 03:51PM by tommytom.
Re: pisamba plugin
September 15, 2011 04:14PM
I read the "portable IDE" part and thought there was something very familiar with the writer of the post... Then I read your name. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
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