Hello Juanca,
Jgarzon Wrote:
> Hello I'm Juanca,
> I' m very pleasure with FreeRapid, but please I
> have some requeriments for application
> improvement.
I am always open to new ideas

> 1) When you have 500 or 1000 downloads on the list
> whe one more is added to this list at the end
> (abobe), some times you need download one file
> before of all (diferent sites), and you have to
> click (UP) icon 500 or 1000 times and this is very
> annoying.
> May be you will fix that moving the download with
> the mouse (up or down), simple only with the MOUSE
> please.
I don't understand this problem. Why don't you use selection and Top button?
> 2) When you have 1000 downloads you could need to
> add categories like Emule, in order to sort by
> categories or Sites o wherever label.
> Preconfigured / Basic Categories like
> "Downloading" or "Active" (download and queue) or
> "Paused" or "completed", are useful.
FRD was not designed to have more than 100 links, but OK. I am adding it on TODO list.
> 3) When you have hundred historical downloads or
> completed on the list and you disable "show
> completed dowloads", but Up or Down button does
> not work properly, it seems is obstructed by
> "Ghost/Hide registers".
Yeah, I am aware of that. It's not so easy to implement the correct behavior.