Dear Mr. (Ms.?) @Vity,
Your program is... amazing!!
I've tried others but, yours...
About the problem with CAPTCHAS...
I think that always will be a new one, and I don't care. Is a limitation imposed by the servers; we have to live with that.
If it could be solved... much better!
But, and this is my contribution, I think that you could improve your program in the proxies section.
The program assumes any kind of proxy IP, since the format is... in a
txt(for sure!) or
list file. If I change for -000-000-000.000:8080, the program still assumes that is a Proxy IP and goes on with, giving a error. The error obviously, -000-000... is not an IP!
The other problem is, if I put a list of proxies to the program use to down from... "any", it could freeze on a IP, never assuming another one from the list to trie to down.
So, my little sugestion is:
-In the case of the IP format, a little comment (
#) at the beginning of a IP in the list of proxies, should ignore the rest of the line or IP.
My big sugestion (and interest... logical

-When I wake up in the morning and several of files are freezed in a error dued a bad IP / used IP / error IP, I think that you could and should improve this.
The program should search in the list by steps, never freezing a down. If a IP have an error, the program should step to the next one in the list.
Better..., if an IP tried twice (maybe three??) gives the same error, the program will puts that IP in the last position of trying IP's... After trying all the others in the list, it will try again this IP.
With this feature "enabled" in your wonderfull program, I'm sure then when I (all!!) wake up in the morning, all the downs requested by the program will be in my (our's) computer(/s).
Right now, I have a little problem with your program.
After use and abused in a list of proxies, after trying any kind of comments before... to ignore a line, after trying a lot of comments after the IP... to identify the proxy (the program don't care with this!

), the program just ignore my own IP to down from.
I've downloaded a new fresh rev0.831u1, and the problem remains.
-Can you tell me, wich file I have to delete to "restart" the program?
I hope that I could helped you to make a powerfull program. And, just like you have read it, sorry about my poor english.
THANKS A LOT, for your
FANTASTIC program!
Vasco Gama
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2010 08:15AM by Vity.