The most wonderful thing about FRD is the proxylist support! While I rely on it more and more, I think it can be better. Here are some suggestions:
1. If I modify the proxylist file or change the settings, it seems require a restart to take effect. Sometimes it is inconvenient because there are files downloading and if stops they can not resume for free user. It would be nice to reload the proxylist whenever changes are made.
2. When a proxy in the list is dead, FRD doesn’t mark it and still tries to use it. When you have a lot of dead proxies in the list, it becomes a nightmare because each dead costs a failure and 2 minutes to retry by default.
Is it possible to put a flag for the proxy if it fails for more than 3 times? Maybe just put a [DEAD] prefix for each line on the proxylist file, so when we check the file again, we know what’s dead and we can get rid of them.
3. Because some proxies are fast and some are slow, and FRD does calculate the average speed for each download. Is it possible to write the speed to the proxylist, so we can later get rid of the slow ones and keep the fast ones.
Again, thank you for the wonderful tool and please make the proxylist feature even better!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2010 06:21PM by shawn8888.