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Please answer (proxy fixes)drinking smiley
April 21, 2012 01:57PM
Dear programmers, I posted before (subject: "option to discard slow proxies") showing a quick hack which terminates slow connections and disables the culprit proxy (and restarts with a new one, of course).
As you can see in the picture, which I attached below, the connections can still stop for two more reasons. They occur frequently, so one has to restart them manually all the time (which is rather boring as this should be automated).

- The first is a bad proxy giving back a faulty reply. FreeRapid takes the reply as being from the hoster and aborts as it can't find the required data.
I would like to fix this, but can't find the right spot. Where can I make it retry with another proxy instead of stopping?

- The second is a proxy which was already in use. This can be solved by taking a different proxy instead of waiting.
I also don't know where to fix this. I tried a dirty hack in the GUI's progress display, but I couldn't make it restart with a new proxy.

Moreover, could you please tell me where the proxies are being picked (for the new download)? Does it simply run down the list?

In the picture (on the right) you can see an "R+" and "-C" under service. I just wanted to propose this idea to show if the hoster is capable of resuming an aborted download (R+ in green) and if it does require entering captchas (-C in red). This way one could easily decide which hosters to pick.

Again, thanks for your great work!
open | download - example1.png (32.5 KB)
Re: Please answer (proxy fixes)drinking smiley
April 21, 2012 03:48PM
LC Wrote:
> - The first is a bad proxy giving back a faulty
> reply. FreeRapid takes the reply as being from the
> hoster and aborts as it can't find the required
> data.
> I would like to fix this, but can't find the right
> spot. Where can I make it retry with another proxy
> instead of stopping?

It's not possible to determine where the response came from.

LC Wrote:
> In the picture (on the right) you can see an "R+"
> and "-C" under service. I just wanted to propose
> this idea to show if the hoster is capable of
> resuming an aborted download (R+ in green) and if
> it does require entering captchas (-C in red).
> This way one could easily decide which hosters to
> pick.

Whether a download can be resumed is determined from the "Accept-Ranges" header sent by the server when starting a download -- it's not hardcoded anywhere and cannot be know before the download is started. As for captcha, that could be added theoretically, but would you like to go through 300 plugins? smiling smiley Also, some plugins have automatic recognition with varying success, and resort to manual recognition (only) if a certain number of automatic recognition attempts fail.

Sorry but I don't know about your other questions.
Re: Please answer (proxy fixes)drinking smiley
April 23, 2012 12:14PM
Thank you for your reply, though it wasn't really helpful. eye rolling smiley


It's not possible to determine where the response came from.

At least in my case (I check all downloads before) it is also not important since stopping is 100% wrong each time.


Whether a download can be resumed is determined from the "Accept-Ranges" header sent by the server when starting a download -- it's not hardcoded anywhere and cannot be know before the download is started.

It doesn't have to be known in advance. Usually the hosters rarely change that. So if you see a red "-R" while downloading an 800 MB file you can check for an alternative hoster quickly.


As for captcha, that could be added theoretically, but would you like to go through 300 plugins? smiling smiley Also, some plugins have automatic recognition with varying success, and resort to manual recognition (only) if a certain number of automatic recognition attempts fail.

Make it a virtual function of some sort. If not implemented (overwritten) the default says "-C" meaning "beware of captchas". So if someone is proud of his captcha solving or a hoster doesn't have captchas at all (rare) this will spread quickly and soon you'll have your update. winking smiley

I just want FreeRapid to run through until all downloads are finished - without aborting. Is that too much to ask (as aborting is only a choice)?

Again, thanks!
Re: Please answer (proxy fixes)drinking smiley
October 30, 2012 07:34PM
I too would like to see better proxy logic implemented. It would be nice if FRD could not only restart downloads that error on proxies but also keep track of the fast working proxies. For example I might only want proxies that can go faster than 50k/s and to ignore the slower ones. FRD already tracks the average download speed. It would be nice if FRD could log the good ones and save those to a file and look those first before it looks at a new list that the user provides. Also it would be nice if FRD could then delete proxies that haven't worked in more than 48hrs.
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