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[Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start

Posted by dnanar 
[Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
April 30, 2007 01:36PM

I'm under Debian (Sid, Kernel 2.6.18-4-486) and im trying to use Wordrider.
My java version (obtained with java -version, installed with the official debian package):

java version "1.5.0_11"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

Im trying to start wordrider through the script launch.sh (sh launch.sh) but it doesn't work. I dont have any error message, i just get a TOTALLY white screen after having the loading image. And then i must kill the thread...

When i'm trying to launch the .jar file (through "java -jar wordride.jar"), the same thing happend.

Anyone may help/know what's happening please ?

Nanar Duff.
Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
April 30, 2007 09:45PM
Hello dnanar,
could you please try to run it with parameter debug?
'java -jar wordrider.jar -debug'
Paste me the output, i'll try to explore more from it.

Another option is to install Java 1.6_01 from Sun's pages.
([java.sun.com]) (Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6u1) It might help. You're first who mentioned problem on Linux. Anything is possible. It looks like dead-lock during start...


Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
May 09, 2007 06:24PM
Did you solve your problem?


Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 11, 2008 03:25PM
Herm, sorry that's make a while I didn't check this forum eye rolling smiley

Yes, I do still have my problem, furthermore, the problem is the same if I try with Java 6 or 5 or with GCJ (note that with GCJ wordrider doesn't even start, i've got a "Exception", but I suppose it's due to GCJ which is very buggy...)

So, with Sun Java, here is the result with the command you said :

dnanar@nicolas:/tmp/wordrider-0.8$ java -jar wordrider.jar -debug
11 juin 2008 16:15:28 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: ClassName Utils.class
11 juin 2008 16:15:28 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: URL jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
11 juin 2008 16:15:28 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: Url string1 jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
11 juin 2008 16:15:28 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: URL String2 jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar
11 juin 2008 16:15:28 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: App Path is /tmp/wordrider-0.8/
16:15:29 INFO: Loading plugin path /tmp/wordrider-0.8/lib
16:15:29 INFO: Loading URL with a jar file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/lib/kunststoff.jar
Loading ... please wait
16:15:33 INFO: CharsList activated

Here are the versions I tried with (i got the same startup message each time) :

java version "1.5.0_15"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_15-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_15-b04, mixed mode, sharing)


java version "1.6.0_06"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode, sharing)

Also, with this version of gcj :

java version "1.5.0"
gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.3.1 20080420 (prerelease)

I got this error message (notice that this time, wordrider doesn't start, and it exits automatically, I don't have to stop the thread):

dnanar@nicolas:/tmp/wordrider-0.8$ java -jar wordrider.jar -debug
11-jun-08 4:23:50 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: ClassName Utils.class
11-jun-08 4:23:50 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: URL jar:file:wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
11-jun-08 4:23:50 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: Url string1 jar:file:wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
11-jun-08 4:23:50 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: URL String2 jar:file:wordrider.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(libgcj.so.90)
at net.wordrider.core.OneInstanceServer.isWordRiderInUse(OneInstanceServer.java:65)
at net.wordrider.core.MainAppSplash.main(MainAppSplash.java:29)
Caused by : java lang StringIndexOutOfBounds Exception (in one word, the formum says it is a forbidden word ?!)
at java.lang.String.substring(libgcj.so.90)
at net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs.getAppPath(AppPrefs.java:200)
at net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs.loadDefaultProperties(AppPrefs.java:109)
at net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs.(AppPrefs.java:33)
at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(libgcj.so.90)
...2 more

I hope that it will help you (and occasionnaly me who sometimes need of wordrider smiling smiley ). Notice that I don't care that it doesn't work with gcj (and I think that nobody care of it maybe except Richard Stallman...), I just said it to help you winking smiley

This time I checked "Send replies to this thread to me via email". I hope this will remind myself to watch out this thread :D

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2008 03:26PM by dnanar.
Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 12, 2008 07:51AM
Hello dnanar,
there is probably no way how to solve this problem. There is probably a "thread dead lock" in WordRider.
The solution could be to use developing version of WordRider, where I already fixed some problems (but many were also added) and it's unstable to use.
I tested WordRider on Kubuntu and Suse without problems, but there is a chance that your combination of HW + JRE causes the dead lock (it's not your fault of course).

WordRider is not compatible to GCJ and probably never will be. The newest version of WordRider will use Swing AppFramework, which will avoid most of thread issues.



Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 12, 2008 08:37AM
Ok, thanks for your answer.

I would be happy to test the developping version of Word Rider, to report bug and to test if the dead lock problem is avoided smiling smiley However I don't find the link to the developpment version... Has it been already released ? (and if no, is it possible to have a small pre-pre-alpha jar ? grinning smiley )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2008 08:48AM by dnanar.
Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 12, 2008 08:45AM
Just an idea. Try to remove kunsttoff.jar from lib directory.



Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 12, 2008 08:54AM
It didn't solve the problem:

dnanar@nicolas:/tmp/wordrider-0.8$ sh launch.sh -debug
12 juin 2008 10:01:55 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: ClassName Utils.class
12 juin 2008 10:01:55 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: URL jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
12 juin 2008 10:01:55 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: Url string1 jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
12 juin 2008 10:01:55 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: URL String2 jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar
12 juin 2008 10:01:55 net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs getAppPath
INFO: App Path is /tmp/wordrider-0.8/
12 juin 2008 10:01:55 net.wordrider.utilities.LogUtils process Exception
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.properties (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:106)
at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:66)
at net.wordrider.utilities.Utils.loadProperties(Utils.java:156)
at net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs.loadDefaultProperties(AppPrefs.java:112)
at net.wordrider.core.AppPrefs.(AppPrefs.java:33)
at net.wordrider.core.OneInstanceServer.isWordRiderInUse(OneInstanceServer.java:65)
at net.wordrider.core.MainAppSplash.main(MainAppSplash.java:29)
10:01:56 INFO: Loading plugin path /tmp/wordrider-0.8/lib
10:01:56 WARNING: com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel was not found.
Loading ... please wait
10:01:58 INFO: CharsList activated

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2008 08:55AM by dnanar.
Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 12, 2008 08:59AM
Now create (empty) file wordrider.properties (touch wordrider.properties) in wordrider directory.


Re: [Linux/Debian/Wordride 0.8] Wordrider doesn't start
June 12, 2008 09:06AM
It didn't change anything neither :

dnanar@nicolas:/tmp/wordrider-0.8$ java -jar wordrider.jar -debug
10:16:27 INFO: ClassName Utils.class
10:16:27 INFO: URL jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
10:16:27 INFO: Url string1 jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar!/net/wordrider/utilities/Utils.class
10:16:27 INFO: URL String2 jar:file:/tmp/wordrider-0.8/wordrider.jar
10:16:27 INFO: App Path is /tmp/wordrider-0.8/
10:16:27 INFO: Loading plugin path /tmp/wordrider-0.8/lib
10:16:27 WARNING: com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel was not found.
Loading ... please wait
10:16:29 INFO: CharsList activated
10:16:35 INFO: Properties were saved successfuly
dnanar@nicolas:/tmp/wordrider-0.8$ ls ./ lib/
copyright help history.txt launch.sh lib License readme.txt sample wordrider.jar wordrider.log wordrider.properties

dnanar@nicolas:/tmp/wordrider-0.8$ cat wordrider.properties
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