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Charts, Graphs and Schematics
December 13, 2006 12:55AM
I just installed Wordrider 0.75 on my lap-top PC. I am not the most computer literate person so please bear with me...

I have used NoteFolio on my TI-89 for college and I thought it was a great program but wanted more. I think I found it with WordRider!

What I really need is a way to get simple charts, graphs and schematics to my TI-89 for retrieval later... like during college exams. I see that I should be able download JPG type photos into the WordRider program and then I should be able to send the photo to my TI-89. Obviously the picture quality on the TI-89 is not going to be good, but that's ok. I think.

My question is this. I have a bright white eraser board where I could quickly draw the needed charts with a thick dark black marker. Could I simply take a picture of the chart with a cheap digital camera, send the JPG to my PC, then to the WordRider document and then to my TI-89? I know it kind of sounds like a lot of work, but the initial creation of chart itself would be easy.

If anybody has any other suggestions, I am open to them. Does anybody know of a cheap program that I could use to draw the charts? A very cheap drafting type program that will be compatible with WordRider? I would really like a program that easily lets me draw with my mouse orthographically.

Also, I have version 0.75, should I switch to 1.5?


Re: Charts, Graphs and Schematics
December 13, 2006 09:22PM
Hello Dean,

> My question is this. I have a bright white eraser
> board where I could quickly draw the needed charts
> with a thick dark black marker. Could I simply
> take a picture of the chart with a cheap digital
> camera, send the JPG to my PC, then to the
> WordRider document and then to my TI-89? I know it
> kind of sounds like a lot of work, but the initial
> creation of chart itself would be easy.

You can use any bitmap editor for creating pictures (eg. MS PaintBrush) you want. These pictures you can easily import with a dialog for importing pictures (Ctrl+P) or via system clipboard (Ctrl+Shift+P). For short presentation how to convert JPG see "WordRider in Action" tutorial in documentation section.
I guess you will have a bit problem with viewing graphs correctly, because calculator's resolution is very low.
WordRider is not intended to work with large pictures (all functions would be slow) therefore I recommend you to resize them into smaller sizes as first before converting into 89i.

> Also, I have version 0.75, should I switch to
> 1.5?

There is no WordRider's version 1.5 smiling smiley. Not yet smiling smiley. Just 0.8 alpha (testing) version smiling smiley.
There are a few new features like importing Notefolio files. See this topic for more details: [wordrider.net]

Hope this helps.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2006 09:44PM by Vity.
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