FRD 0.9u1
Good day. I have one offer that can make FRD better. If the internet connection losts for long time while FRD is downloading files, all this files get status "Error. no connection" and FRD ceases to download any files. In program PREFERENCES in "CONNECTIONS" tab I see options such as: Error Attempts Count (=10) and Autoreconnect time (=15 seconds). This rule applies to everyone downloading file consecutively. If error attempts count=-1, ONLY ONE FILE (all links are from one service) will autoreconnect infinitely. I offer to make one more OPTION, that (if all files are allready have "Error" status) will restart all ERROR-statused downloads infinitely (to start downloads since first file only after ALL files get ERROR-status automatically ). This can help to restore downloading files if enternet-connection losts for several hours. At present time when internet connection restores, I have to press RESUME button manually.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2013 06:16AM by romchik.