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Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 20, 2013 04:30AM
I just updated avast Free Antivirus to ver 2014.9.0.2006 (today) and it blocks FRD (0.9u3). If I turn off avast, FRD makes an internet connection just fine. If avast is back on, vity runs but can make no connections (no downloads or updates). Its obviously an avast setting. I have tried exclusions and all sorts of things in avasts settings, but I do not know specifically what part is blocking frd. I have narrowed in down - Avast has three "shields": filesystem, mail and web. It is not the filesystems shield, but the Web Shield blocking FRD. In the Web Shield settings I cant work out what to change. I cant seem to include any exclusions.
Has anyone been able to solve this issue? I would greatly appreciate some help if you can.
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 20, 2013 04:52AM
me too,
yesterday, i just update avast internet security 9.0.2006 and after that, FDR 0.9u3 can't make to connection server. help ??
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 20, 2013 06:12AM
Wouldn't be better to ask for help in Avast user forum ( [forum.avast.com]) why they are blocking standard Java application? Avast is broken,not FRD.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2013 06:17AM by Vity.
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 20, 2013 06:20AM
Who said FRD was broken? Its not! I asked here for multiple reasons. Firstly people read and respond to this forum. Second, other users may have solved it. Third, the avast forum posting returns similar smart answers to yours (e.g. "FRD must be broken") - they just assume frd is a virus (yeah, I know, I know). And also, I don't know what else to tell avast to help them solve the problem so they can trouble shoot: how does frd use the internet/connections, whats it based on etc etc?
Clearly you personally don't know the answer, but I hope someone does!
(Apart from this, Thanks for a fantastic app!)
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 20, 2013 10:42AM
Maybe Avast is broken in the same way as ESET is. Could you try disabling "Allow only one instance" in FRD > Options > Preferences > General?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2013 10:42AM by ntoskrnl.
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 20, 2013 06:05PM
Thanks for this active suggestion. I just tested it out, with no effect sadly..
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 22, 2013 05:58AM
Thanks to Vitys comment, followed by tips in and Avast post [forum.avast.com] I found this was a Java update issue. Updating java to both the latest 32 and 64 bit versions (v7, update 45) fixed this problem. Note you have to update BOTH versions on a 64-bit win 7 system. Also note that the update crashed my computer upon shut down, but it did start again ok.

This seems very very sloppy of avast...
...keep up the good work Vity!
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 22, 2013 08:12PM
I'm having the same problem with Avast after a Java update but my machine is 32bit so the solution of installing the 64bit as well as 32bit presumably won't work. As I don't know what the consequences are of installing the additional "wrong" update I'm loathe to try it.

Anyone have any solutions for a 32bit machine without dumping Avast?

I appreciate that this isn't a problem with FRD and I have read of people who have had problems with other programs with this update.

Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
October 23, 2013 11:35AM
problem solved.
Apply this patch:
Correct ashWebSv.dll version 9.0.2006.160 for the initiali release of avast 2014! Fixes mostly JAVA problems with IPv6 traffic.

credit: [forum.avast.com]
Re: Updated Avast antivirus blocks FRD connections
December 06, 2013 11:24PM
You don't need to change any Avast dlls. This is another solution, that is working for me:

You can add folowing to WebShield settings Processes to exclude:
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
if you start FRD by frd.bat
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\launch4j-tmp\frd.exe
if you start FRD by frd.exe

Of course, change path of added lines acording installation folder of your Java.
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