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error handling
November 25, 2009 05:23AM
wow, someone points out error handling problem, speed issues, and repeated failure in this program and response is to remove the post and registration of writer,

error attempts count=2
autoreconnect time=120 seconds

instead of abandoning download after 2 failures and unsuccessful tries to reconnect, and moving on to next file in queue, FRD hangs on error indefinitely. This program has failed every time to queue 5 - 6 files to download unattended, hours later only the first file in list may have completed (couple of times even the 1st failed to complete), hanging on error on 2nd file until cancel all and download direct without FRD with no problem

speed issue, direct download speed is steady and consistent (~80 kBs) same file, same site through FRD and speed is all over from 0 KbS (yeah ZERO) to over 100 kBs (somehow indicating faster than ISP). Avg speed being lower than direct,

so why is FRD causing slower dl speed

error failures at 80-90% of file, failure to reconnect, when finally reconnect failure to resume

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2009 05:47AM by error.
Re: error handling
November 25, 2009 06:54AM
What error, what plugin

>>error failures at 80-90% of file
problem is in your inet connection or server you are downloading from, not FRD


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2009 06:57AM by Vity.
Re: error handling
November 25, 2009 09:52AM
The less you know, the sharper opinion you have...

If you knew (at all) how FRD works, you could maybe understand it.

FRD uses the inbuilt HTTP handling code in Java. If you have speed issues (which do not occur in browsers) you propably should forward your error report directly to Sun.

Failure to understand why we say "it's not a problem with FRD" doesn't mean we are lying, does it?
Re: error handling
November 26, 2009 06:21AM
errors occur with Zshare, megaupload, always 100% error FAIL when queue 3 or more files, much less when queue 2 files, almost never 1 file at a time, (maybe a clue) NEVER problem when close FRD and download direct,

frequent error, reconnect issues ONLY occur via FRD, never any direct interruption, so obviously NOT an ISP issue when direct download works 99.99% everytime whereas FRD fails 100% EVERYTIME

tonight, 3 files qeued, rapidshare, zshare, rapidshare - 1st RS file complete, 2nd file Zshare, error fail and hang over 4 hrs until I return and cancel, once again direct download NO problem

Re: error handling
November 26, 2009 06:25AM
where did I suggest anyone 'lying'

see previous reply, when direct downloads work fine, good speed, no errors, but FRD repeatedly fails and hangs indefinitely on same files, then indications evident issue is FRD, not browser or ISP, though possibe Vista OS issue, what do I know, I'm just telling you FRD doesn't work /isn't working


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2009 06:30AM by error.
Re: error handling
November 26, 2009 11:48AM
As already said, we can do nothing because there isn't a problem anywhere in FRD.

FRD is open source, have a look at the source code if you don't believe me.

Here is tryDownloadAndSaveFile(): [svn.wordrider.net]

Other methods used in the above: [svn.wordrider.net]

Last call is for Apache's getResponseBodyAsStream(), which is outside our scope.

Low-level HTTP communication is not handled by FRD's code.
Re: error handling
December 21, 2009 02:17PM
I am attaching my log due to an error message I keep getting on all my downloads. Have any idea what's going on?
open | download - app.log (64.4 KB)
Re: error handling
December 21, 2009 02:19PM
You are using wrong proxy file:
WARNING: String $°zxczxc does not match to proxy definition pattern - [username[:password@]]host:port


Re: error handling
December 21, 2009 03:15PM
I am downloading files from uploading.com, what would be the proxy for that? I am new to this program. Thanks for your help
Re: error handling
December 21, 2009 03:32PM
tswaney Wrote:
> I am downloading files from uploading.com, what
> would be the proxy for that? I am new to this
> program. Thanks for your help

Don't use a proxy at all unless you have a specific reason. ;)
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