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Freerapid shuts down my Windows7
January 07, 2010 06:23AM

Freerapid works fine when I was using WinXp.

Today I installed Windows 7 and try to use Freerapid to download file.
I click Freerapid start icon, then there is a bluescreen suddently show out, and authomatically restart my pc.
I even don;t chance to read the bluescreen explaination, then I windows just restarted.

Right now I can't use freerapid anymore, cuz it will authomatically restart my pc!

Can someone help me?
Re: Freerapid shuts down my Windows7
January 07, 2010 06:56AM
Usually such behavior means that you have some either HW problem, usually corrupted memory or any other problem (antivirus etc.)
FRD is NEVER responsible for BSOD, because it's Java application.


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