Known bugs and Limitations
Complete list of recorded bugs you can find in the WordRider Bug tracker.
If you find a possible bug, there are 4 ways to let me know
- using forum (preffered)
- using WordRider Bug tracker
- using Subversion repository - fix bugs yourself:-)
- or using email (not preffered because of spam filters etc.)
Problem: Some characters are not displayed.
Details: See our FAQ section
"Why WordRider doesn't
support ..."
Solution: Use an alternate character.
Problem: Count of the characters(in the smallest and the biggest font) on the line does not correspond with a count of the characters in the calculator
WordRider uses the TI92PlusPC true type font which covers most of calc characters(not all, but most of them). Its disadvantage is that it has not similar sizes with a font used in the calculator. Therefore the default width for emulation is set to 'normal' size font(25 characters, I expect that users will use it most frequently). Other font sizes are only near their count. I would be able to decrease smallest font size(to reach about 35 characters per line), but the text would have stopped to be readable(i had such responses from users with a high resolution screen).
It's really really hard to create similar true type font which is used in the calc. I don't know anybody who would be able to create it - maybe you can? :-)
Solution: Unknown.