FreeRapid Downloader - Documentation
User guides
Official user Guide (Uživatelská příručka) for v0.82
- sorry only in Czech at this time (
- FreeRapid in 2 minutes - Lukiz's screencast (thanks!)
Making of - plugin flash demo
How to make your own plugin screencast (20MB, 25min)
Minimal requirements for creating plugin:
- experience with Java IDE and Java (or very good knowledge of PHP),
- experience with regular expressions,
- very good knowledge of working HTTP + HTML,
- experience in using of your brain :-) .
Useful links
Jak stahovat pohodlně nejen z RapidShare
- obsahuje návod pro začátečníky (sorry in Czech only,
FreeRapid Downloader a konkurence
- srovnání (sorry in Czech only,
FreeRapid Downloader (FRD) 中文使用说明图解
- (unofficial tutorial in Chinese) (
How to configure FreeRapid Downloader on Linux
- unofficial tutorial for Linux users (in Spanish,
Descargas simultaneas (MU) (RS) etc.
- another tutorial in Spanish (
Automatic Rapidshare Downloads
System requirements
Recommended configuration:
- Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/Linux(core 2.4)* or higher operating system
- Pentium 800MHz processor
- min 1024x768 screen resolution
- 40 MB of free RAM
- 10 MB free disk space
- Java 2 Platform - version at least 1.6 (Java SE 6 Runtime) installed
Application needs at least Sun Java 6.0 to start ( JRE 6 ) - No GCJ or OpenJDK is supported at this time.
Linux Debian like users can use this command to intall Java:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
How to run FreeRapid Downloader
Unzip files to any of your directory, but beware special characters (like '+' or '!') on the path.
If you make an upgrade to higher version, you can delete previous folder. All user
settings are preserved. All user settings are saved in home directories:
MS Windows
c:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USER_NAME\application data\VitySoft\FRD
copy new version over older one.
Simply launch frd.exe or double click on frd.jar
Run command ./
(as first put correct executable rights on this file )
All platforms
Run command java -jar frd.jar
additional parameters for launching are:
java -jar frd.jar [-h -v -d -D<property>=<value>]
-h (--help,-?) print this message
-v (--version) print the version information and exit
-d (--debug) print debugging information
-r (--reset) reset user properties to default values
-m (--minim) minimize main window on start
-Dproperty=value Passes properties and values to the application (mostly for debug or testing purposes)
-p (--portable) configuration files will be stored in the 'config'
folder, all file paths will be saved relatively to FRD
folder (if possible) - useful for USB FLASH drives
If value of option -D is set 'default' (without ') default value will be used.
Example - running application in debug mode:
Windows OS
: frd.exe --debug
: java -jar frd.jar --debug